GitLab Terms of Use

Thank you for choosing GitLab! For the current terms please see the Current Terms of Use table below.

The CURRENT TERMS OF USE (unless otherwise stated in the Table below) shall apply to net-new and renewal purchases made on, or after, August 29, 2024. If you received an Order Form / Quote, or purchased, prior to August 29, 2024, please see the Agreement History below for the terms applicable to your purchase and/or use of GitLab software. Any GitLab Subscription purchased prior to August 29, 2024 including upgrades and additional Users purchased for that Subscription, will be governed by the Agreement in effect as of the Subscription purchase date.

Current Terms of Use

Type of Use / Activity Applicable Agreement
Use of any GitLab Software Offering, including Free tier Subscription Agreement
Additional Terms:

Use of any GitLab Professional Services

Use of any AI Functionality

Use of any experimental or beta feature

Agile Planning Terms

Professional Services Terms
AI Functionality Terms
Testing Agreement
Agile Planning Terms
Privacy Statement GitLab Privacy Statement
GitLab Processing Personal Data from an Enterprise GitLab Data Processing Addendum and Standard Contractual Clauses'
Request Removal of Content / Data DMCA Notice and Take Down
Use of GitLab's Website(s) Website Terms of Use
Cookies & Visiting the Website GitLab Cookie Policy
Use of any GitLab services, including Software, AI Functionality, Website(s), etc. Acceptable Use Policy
Using GitLab’s publicly-available APIs GitLab API Terms of Use
Partner Program To enroll please visit the GitLab Partner Program Portal
GitLab Reseller / Referral Partner Master Partner Agreement
GitLab Integration Agreement Technology Partner Agreement
GitLab for Education Program* GitLab for Education Program Agreement
GitLab for Open Source Program** GitLab for Open Source Program Agreement

*Only applicable for Educational Institutions using GitLab Software for Instructional Use, or, Non-Commercial Academic Research. Please visit Program Guidelines for more information."

**Only applicable for Open Source Organizations using GitLab Software for Open Source Software. Please visit Program Guidelines for more information.

Agreement History

GitLab, including GitLab Legal, is committed to transparency as part of its’ values, as such we provide previous versions of our Agreements.

Legacy Agreement and Applicable Dates Agreement Location
Privacy Statement (June 10, 2022 - March 18, 2024) Legacy Privacy Statement V1
Subscription Agreement (August 14, 2023 - August 29, 2024) Legacy Subscription Agreement V5
Subscription Agreement (September 07, 2022 - August 13, 2023) Legacy Subscription Agreement V4
Subscription Agreement (August 1, 2021 - September 06, 2022) Legacy Subscription Agreement V3
Subscription Agreement (February 1, 2021 - July 31, 2021) Legacy Subscription Agreement V2
Subscription Agreement (January 1, 2015 - January 31, 2021) Legacy Subscription Agreement V1
Professional Services Agreement (November 1, 2021 - August 29, 2024) Legacy Professional Services Agreement V2
Professional Services Agreement (January 1, 2015 - October 31, 2021) Legacy Professional Services Agreement V1
GitLab for Open Source Program Agreement (February 24, 2021 - August 19, 2022) Legacy GitLab for Open Source Program Agreement V1
Testing Agreement (June 30, 2023 - August 29, 2024) Legacy GitLab Testing Agreement V3
Testing Agreement (May 19, 2023 - June 29, 2023) Legacy GitLab Testing Agreement V2
Testing Agreement (April 10, 2023 - May 18, 2023) Legacy GitLab Testing Agreement V1
AI Functionality Terms (November 1, 2023 - August 29, 2024) Legacy AI Functionality Terms V2
AI Functionality Terms (August 14, 2023 - October 31, 2023) Legacy AI Functionality Terms V1
Agile Planning Terms (October 17, 2023 - August 29, 2024) Legacy Agile Planning Terms V1